Christine Nguyen
Christine Nguyen currently resides in Long Beach, California. She received her B.F.A from California State University, Long Beach and M.F.A from University of California, Irvine. Solo exhibitions of her work have been featured at the Hammer Museum (Project), Michael Kohn Gallery, Andrewshire Gallery in Los Angeles, Pataphysical Society, Portland, OR, Crisp-Ellert Art Museum, St. Augustine, FL, 10 Chancery Lane Gallery, Hong Kong and Galerie Quynh, Vietnam . Her work has also been included in group exhibitions at the Kunsthalle zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany; Laguna Beach Art Museum, Laguna Beach;Pasadena Museum of California Art, Pasadena; San Art, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; Sprueth Magers Projekte, Munich, Germany; Long Beach Museum of Art, Long Beach and Churner and Churner, New York.
Nguyen's work draws upon the imagery of nature, the sciences, and the cosmos but it is not limited to a conventional reading of these realms. It imagines that the depths of the ocean reach into outer space, that through an organic prism, vision can fluctuate between the micro- and macroscopic. Nguyen's practice is devoted to the natural world and its curiosities. It has been her inspiration and a place that she finds meditative and complex but also mysterious. It has allowed her to continuously know more about the world we live in. Nguyen been drawn to 19th century Naturalists like Ernst Haeckel: biologist, philosopher, physician and artist; John Muir: writer, conservationist and advocate of the preservation of the wilderness and Anna Atkins: botanist and photographer.
Visible Invisible will be on display in the front window of Pacific Court and will be viewable 24 hours a day for the run of the exhibit.