Club Bit Map at the Art Park
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Club Bitmap heralds phog masheeen's return to free electric improvisation with beats. Working with legendary sonic swash bucklers Potar, Big Epoc and Skunk Puppet.
Potar is a local wonder of Circuit Bending. For those unfamiliar with bent circuits, circuit bending is the artful rewiring of consumer electronics so that it malfunctions in interesting ways and produces interesting sounds as a result. Potar have been at the vangard of this movement and from time to time taught classes on circuit bending.
Skunk Puppet rides the sonic waves of the laptop variety. Using a carefully chosen batch of apps Skunk Puppet creates an angry zoo of unimaginable beasts who's voices fly from the speakers.
Big Epoch uses a blend of bent gear and hardware to craft his beat-centric tones. An experienced warrior of the LA noise scene you can expect his set to deliver big surprises!
For Club Bitmap, phog masheeen will be fueling the Groove-Box to push envelope for the performers. Sliced beats served filtered and funky.